Active children are more likely to be active adults.

You’re giving your child a lifetime of good health simply by encouraging them to walk more.

Dr. Ben Rossiter, Victoria Walks

 Find a walk: Great Victorian walks for children

Walk with children for a lifetime of better healthDid you know that nearly 80% of children who live within 2km of school are driven both ways, every day? Parents proudly celebrate their children’s first steps as a major milestone. So why, after that momentous occasion, does most parental interest in walking fall away?

Our society’s dependence on cars, and widespread fear of ‘stranger danger’ and traffic accidents are among reasons why today's children no longer walk as much as Australian children used to. The fact Australian adults also don't walk much doesn’t help! Kids are not growing up feelng that walking is a natural part of life.

Of all groups in the community, our reliance on cars as our main form of transport has perhaps had the greatest impact on children, reflected in the rising rates of childhood obesity and respiratory illness.

Want to encourage your children to step out more often? The pages below offer information, tips and guides on how to incorporate walking into our daily lives.