Self-Assessment Survey

Local governments have different levels of funding and capacity to deliver different strategies that best meet their needs. This quick self-assessment will get you thinking about the kind of walking strategy most appropriate for your council and what you can achieve with your resources. By completing this survey online, Victoria Walks will also receive information on the walking promotion capacity of different councils. If we use this information it will only be in aggregated form and not in a way that identifies individual councils. Enter your email address in the field provided and you will be sent a message detailing your responses.
What kind of walking strategy is most suitable for our council?
"1. Where is your council based?" is a mandatory field
"2. What kind(s) of walking do you want to focus on in your strategy?" is a mandatory field
"3. How much consideration does your council currently give to walking?" is a mandatory field
"4. Has any work already been done towards developing a walking strategy?" is a mandatory field
"5. What is the likely focus of your walking strategy?" is a mandatory field
"6. How much would you expect to spend per year on the elements (infrastructure and engagement) of a walking strategy (in addition to the standard capital works program for footpath maintenance etc.)?" is a mandatory field
What is achievable within our current council structures and resources?
"7. What internal resources can your council draw on?" is a mandatory field
"8. How interested are your councillors in supporting and promoting walking?" is a mandatory field
"9. How interested is your local community?" is a mandatory field
"10. Have you done any previous community consultation about walking?" is a mandatory field
"11. How important is it to get buy-in across the council (such as key managers) internally?" is a mandatory field
"12. Will the councillors need a lot of evidence behind the recommendations of the strategy?" is a mandatory field
"13. If councillors will need evidence, what sort of evidence will they require?" is a mandatory field
"14. How significant will external stakeholders (e.g. VicRoads, neighbouring councils) be in developing and implementing your walking strategy?" is a mandatory field
"15. How much are you prepared to spend on this strategy?" is a mandatory field
"16. What timeframe would you like your walking strategy to cover?" is a mandatory field
"17. When do you need to complete the strategy?" is a mandatory field
"Email address" must be a valid email address.
If you would like a record of your survey emailed to you, write your address here.